Min roman "Shanghai i lyst og nød" udkom 1. maj 2019.
Den foregår i Shanghai i begyndelsen af 2. verdenskrig og er baseret på virkelige hændelser.
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See English summary: Shanghai - for better or worse
Min næste bog er en historisk rejseguide til Shanghai, udkommer i 2025 ???
Here you can read about my books.
My novel "Shanghai - for better or worse" is published may 2019. In Danish. It is now, 2024, being translated to English.
It takes place Shanghai in the beginning of WW2. It is based on true events and partly my mothers diaries,
as she and my father lived in the city for a period.
I went to Shanghai in 2010 and 2015 to research, and I am very
fascinated by the city and its story.
[email protected]